Acupuncture is a key treatment modality in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Sessions can last from 30 minutes to several hours. During treatment, TCM doctors place very thin disposable needles on specific acupuncture points along the body, less than 1mm into the outermost layer of the skin.
The skilled placement of needles stimulates the flow of the vital energy, or Qi (Chi), along the body’s acupuncture meridians. When this vital energy is blocked due to imbalances, it can cause stagnation leading to illness, pain, inflammation, and other degenerative issues. By strategically positioning acupuncture needles at any of the hundreds of key points along the body’s meridians, TCM doctors assist in relieving these blockages to stimulate a more balanced flow of Qi. Successful acupuncture treatments allow our innate healing mechanisms to flourish and promote optimal health in body, mind and spirit.